Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Kara's bag is in the bag

I finished up Kara's happy colors 22 pocket knitting bag earlier this evening; it just came out of "Mr. Washie" and is now tumbling away.  It was a trip pulling the bag right-side out after sewing in the lining layer:

From Bags

From Bags

From Bags

Once it was right-side out, I was tickled with how well it turned out, especially the meandering quilting on the lining layer.  All things said and done, I'm not sure that I don't like the lining layer better.  I had intended to work my initials into the bottom of the lining, but I forgot and only had room for it at the top.

From Bags

From Bags

The bag looked good all ready for the washer, and I can hardly wait to see it when it comes out; the meander quilting should really pop once the batting has shrunk.  I'll upload that picture as soon as I have it!

From Bags

1 comment:

  1. That was a brilliant idea made by Kara bags. A bag in a bag is like a surprise for someone.

    kara bags
